Mortal Kombat 9 was officially launched on both Sony PlayStation 3 and XBox 360 on April 19 2011 in the US and Canada, with the European launch coming 2 days later.
Record sales have been credited for the spike in April console sales on both platforms worldwide, with the game having been extensively advertised on TV channels such as ESPN and SKY on both sides of the pond. There has also been a big ad campaign running on YouTube.
Now that the dust has settled on the 2011 Gadget Show Live exhibition, we thought that we’d give you some more information about our incredible Mortal Kombat IX arcade machines:
Bespoke Arcades was originally commissioned by Warner Brothers to create a series of arcade machines capable of fully demonstrating MKIX in all its glory. A tall order, but a challenge that we were more than up to! Having previously worked on a commission for NASA to build specialist 3-D imagery cabinets, we were confident that we could do the game justice.
After careful planning and consultation, we decided to modify our top-of-the-range Evo arcade cabinets to run the game through a Sony PlayStation 3. Three months prior to the global launch, Warner Brothers supplied us with top-secret watermarked BETA development versions of the game, along with the artwork needed for our exclusive creations.
The finished arcade machines were delivered on time to Warner Brothers who were extremely happy with the end result and set about touring them as a promotional tool for the launch.
Over the following month, our custom-made arcade machines visited numerous games shops the length and breadth of the UK and several other European countries including Germany, France and Spain. Warner Brothers also launched a competition to find the best player in each country.
After over a month of touring shops across the UK and Europe and visiting trade shows across Europe and beyond, all of our exclusive Mortal Kombat IX arcade machines were brought to the 2011 Gadget Show Live where the UK regional competition winners and European national champions competed for the title of European champion. Top prize was one of the limited edition machines.
All of our machines were still in perfect working order after all this travel, hundreds of hours of game time by thousands of different gamers, competitions and five days being used at the Gadget Show by all-comers. This in itself is a testament to the reliability of our arcade machines and a huge advert for the build quality which Bespoke Arcades is internationally renowned for.
We have compiled a video of the machines being used at the 2011 Gadget Show Live for you to get an idea of quite how amazing the end result is – special thanks for the footage goes to UK Retro Gamer, HeavenMedia and UK-Gamer:
Video footage from the Gadget Show Live 2011
If you are interested in acquiring one of these incredible limited edition Mortal Kombat IX compatible arcade machines, or your marketing strategy requires your own bespoke branded arcade cabinet then please do not hesitate to contact us directly.