As we mentioned in last week’s blog post, light-guns can now be installed on the Media and Elite models of our Evo and Apex arcade cabinets. Now you can play these amazing shoot ‘em up titles the way which they were designed to be played – on an arcade machine with a massive HD screen!! Following on from last week’s light-gun compatibility article, we thought we’d give you our top 3 light-gun games available to play on our fabulous arcade machines:
1 – House of the Dead III:
House of the Dead III is our favourite light-gun shooter as it’s quite simply a joy to play. Carrying on from where House of the Dead II left off, the latest incarnation is packed with new features such as the ability to choose which stage to challenge next. House of the Dead 3 takes you on a thrilling action adventure of cinematic proportions full of spectacular surprises and emotional encounters. This is never more true than when playing it on one of our incredible Evo arcade machines which comes with a Massive 28″ over HD display.
Our light-guns provide you with the pinpoint accuracy you need to mow down all your enemies at will. As this is a fully fledged PC title, it runs at a smooth 30 fps (frames per sec) with all of the settings maxed out. It looks and plays divine! We are all hooked on this game and think that it is possibly one of the best games ever made on any platform.
2 – Operation Wolf / Operation Thunderbolt:
Here at Bespoke Arcades, we all have fond memories of both Operation Wolf and the sequel, Operation Thunderbolt on the Amstrad CPC 6128; however the Quickshot didn’t really do the game justice. Back in ’87 when this game launched in the arcades it looked phenomenal.
As long as you don’t shoot the civilians, you can blow up everything you see on the screen – from tanks to sentry towers – this was all new back then. These games have aged extremely well and are as playable as ever. These 2 retro arcade games were amongst the defining games in the genre, opening the doors for all the ‘on rails shooters’ that followed.
3 – Time Crisis IV (PS3):
Now we jump to the present. Time Crisis IV for the Sony PS3 is a great game, replete with next generation splendour; it’s fast, frenetic, and tons of fun. As with all Time Crisis games, the cover system is in use. This allows you to duck in and out of the line of fire. This function provides a great addition to the game play and is a true favourite among our Evo arcade machine customers.
The Time Crisis series has always evolved in tandem with the technologies available, and the series has continued to strive for originality whilst pushing graphics forward, although some of their efforts seem a tad misguided at times. The supplied G-con light-gun has been redesigned and does feel a tad plastic (the day-glow orange doesn’t help). The new design incorporates an analogue thumb pad to provide movement controls for the free-roaming mini game where the player can roam freely while dealing justice to all. We aren’t keen, but these are minor gripes as the main game is a testament to the series.
This game on an Evo has one of the biggest WOW factors of any games.
All our arcade machines come with Operation Wolf & Operation Thunderbolt pre-loaded. Copies of Time Crisis IV and House of the Dead III can be supplied upon purchase of any of our arcade machines – just let us know and we’ll set it up – their mere existence is reason enough to get the light-gun upgrade!! Watch this space for pics of these classic arcade games in action, and as always………