The Versatility Of An Elite Series Arcade Machine


Quite often we get asked what the differences are between the Media series and Elite series of arcade machines. From the exterior- very little as every product in the Bespoke Arcades range comes with the same great build quality and attention to detail. The differences lie within the arcade’s timeless chassis.

At the heart of an Elite arcade machine lies Intel’s latest i5 processor. This CPU can handle anything you throw at it, from advanced 3d rendering to ultra fast number crunching. Coupled with the matched ram we incorporate into each PC we build, an Elite arcade machine has the raw power to demonstrate this year’s gaming blockbusters without breaking a sweat.

Did someone mention gaming? Obviously, an Elite arcade machine’ primary goal is to play games. We incorporate a current nVidia GTX 6-series graphics card to ensure all graphics settings can be cranked up to ultra-high. There is an abundance of worthy titles for your arcade machine. Some are genuine arcade titles which run better than their arcade counterparts due to the over-the-top computing power. But others are best played sitting back comfortably and playing via an Xbox 360 control pad and via the hdmi output situated at the rear of the arcade machine. See the Elite gaming review for an example.

The raw computing power within each Elite series arcade machine for sale ensures any stable emulator available can be run and be fully compatible including integration into our bespoke auto-loading menu system. Depending what program or emulator you wish to play, our controls can even be reassigned and saved to a profile to further make the arcade machine foolproof and as versatile a purchase as can be.

As you can see from Aliens: Colonial Marines, an Elite Series PC has unsurpassed graphics. No longer is it “Game Over” when you’re packing heat with Bespoke Arcades. So get 5 by 5, don your pulse rifle and take on the baddest alien to ever hit the silver screen.

“Just another day on the farm”

Happy Gaming!!

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