Evo Arcade Machine: Top 5 Next-Gen Games

Following on from our recent article about our Evo arcade machine’s compatibility with next generation consoles XBOX 360 and PS3, we have decided to give you our top 5 next-gen games which can be played on an Evo (in no particular order):

1) Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition

Capcom have tweaked the gameplay a little more and refined it a touch. The game runs lightning quick and the time taken to load each bout is reduced dramatically. Capcom have added to the usual roster new characters which spices things up a little.
This new version has improved on a classic and thanks to the improved loading times, is a flawless adaptation of the arcade classic that cannot be missed if you’re a fan of the traditional fighters. Bring on Streetfighter IV Hyper fighting Champion Black Belt Turbo Rainbow Edition!

2) Virtua Tennis IV

The Virtua Tennis series is back for another installation and it doesn’t disappoint. Not that much has changed on the surface. They’ve improved the graphics and have the obligatory list of today’s Tennis talent.
On top of the main arcade mode, Sega have paid a great deal of attention to the (RPG ish) World Tour and mini games section which really does add an extra element of longevity to an already stellar mix. This is one game which demonstrates the true power of an Evo in your own home. Far superior than its arcade parent, Virtua Tennis 4 is a worthy successor to the franchise.

3) Marvel Vs Capcom III

You may have guessed we’re fans of the modern fighting genre. Capcom have finally managed 2D style action with all the benfits of 3D. With their new graphics system, the game looks fantastic and plays even faster.
True, there may be some deficiencies when it comes to character balancing, but Marvel Vs Capcom was a true gaming connoisseurs title and this improves upon its legacy. This game may always play second fiddle to the perfect Streetfighter IV, but it will always have a place as one of the most popular titles on our office Evo.

4) Time Crisis IV

This was voted as one of our favourite lightgun shooters. This game screams “WOW” as soon as you turn on the game. Using the PS3’s raw power, Namco delivers action in spades and this game is easily comparable to any current arcade shooter on the market.
Although the new design incorporates an analogue thumb pad, this is only to provide movement controls for the mini game where the player can roam freely while dealing justice to all. We aren’t keen on this, but other than that, the main game is a testament to the series.
This is definitely a game for the library and never fails to impress, right down to the cretinous dialogue which makes Sunset Beach sound like Shakespeare…
Time Crisis IV on an Evo has one of the biggest WOW factors of any game!

5) Mortal Kombat IX

Having been commissioned by Warner Bros to make dedicated MK9 machines to publicize the launch, we are naturally massive fans of the game. Although we might be accused of bias, the million plus gamers who have bought this game since it’s launch in April can’t all be wrong. By far the best instalment of the franchise in recent times, MK9 has a whole new generation of gamers shouting famous catchphrases at the screen!

As mentioned in the previous article, games such as Halo and FIFA are meant to be played via an analogue joypad and as such won’t work as well with our joystick setup. For this reason, we have omitted analogue based titles from this list. They can however still be enjoyed by using the joypad.

One to Watch: Streetfighter Vs Tekken.

Yup- Streetfighter Vs Tekken is coming to a console near you!!! Using the SFIV framework, we’re sure Capcom are going to deliver an experience that will live up to the hype!

Did you know you can play all these and more on our fantastic custom arcade machines!


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