street fighter 2 arcade machine

Street Fighter 2, if you’re a certain age it’s an arcade game that you will almost certainly remember seeing for the first time. And so released in 1991, it pretty much single-handedly created a brand new one-on-one fighting genre. In addition to to the new control system with an unprecedented 6 action buttons, Street Fighter 2 spawned a whole new franchise. Namely involving 2 players effectively playing tic-tac-toe with each other, a battle of tactical ensues complemented by an array of special moves.
These days, fully dedicated Street Fighter 2 machines are almost impossible to source. This is due mainly to the fact that the arcade PCB was usually installed into generic JAMMA cabinet. For the most part unfortunately they didn’t last the test of time. But no need to worry, SF2 (and its many variants) can be played on most of our multi-game arcade cabinets. Along with 100s of other great titles so when buying one of our arcade machines you can be sure to get your SF2 fix – PERFECT!
All Bespoke Arcades machines come with Street Fighter 2 arcade. So which machine suits you best?

Street Fighter 2 GT JAMMA Commercial Arcade Cabinet

Bespoke Arcades Premium Machines
By 1993, the franchise had earnt capcom $1.5 billion. By 2017, it was $10 billion thanks to over 14 million console copies sold worldwide

In short, Street Fighter 2 became the biggest hit in not only the arcades but across the home console arena. The killer game made parents cry when in 1991 they were pestered into shelling out £120. Equivalent to over £250 in 2019, this was for the Super Nintendo title alone. However we witnessed a near perfect conversion which complemented the release of the SNES console admirably.
At the time, Final Fight had commercial success in the United States. And so Capcom were reluctant to work on the concept with only 35-40 developers on board. The project took 2 years to complete.
With attention to the resolution of 384 x 224- Capcom squeezed the most out of the CPS-1 hardware. Especially revolutionary for the time. Coupled with cost cutting measures – each CPS-1 game mounts on a system board which is cross compatible with other CPS-1 titles.
In particular, notable classic Capcom titles on the CPS-1 board includes the likes of Strider, Forgotten Worlds, Mercs, Ghouls ‘n Ghosts and U.N Squadron.
* We made some arcade machines for Capcom back in 2013

Subsequently the Street Fighter 2 arcade machine had many firsts including adding perspective on the floor. For the time being, most games of the time had only 2 or 3 layers of scrolling. The sprites were huge and balletic. Particularly new was the ability to string together special moves and combos (which was discovered by accident apparently).
There was another first- the need for a “Kick Harness”. JAMMA- (a wiring configuration allowing game boards to be swapped around. Therefore this new standard allowed the arcade boards to act like large game cartridges. The standard JAMMA connector only came with 4 fire buttons, so another 2 had to be added.
Subsequently Capcom entered the home living room market off the back of Street Fighter 2 arcade machine’s success. So they therefore released the CPS Changer system. Basically a “Supergun” (a system to run JAMMA boards). Incidentally, Super Nintendo pads were also compatible. Together with the pad compatibility, they manufactured their own 6 button joystick (one of which we have in a display cabinet in our showroom!).
Every single character in the Street Fighter 2 arcade roster is a winner with their playable style, benefits and flaws. Thereby now ingrained in popular culture.
The Original 8 Street Fighter 2 Arcade Characters
The Bosses
The New Challengers
Street Fighter 2 Arcade Machine Revisions
Taking Street Fighter 2 arcade emulation up another level
Thanks to later versions of MAME, we can tailor make the visual experience to suit our own tastes. Using the extra graphics card on our Media and Elite, advanced hardware generated effects can be used to make the screen appear more akin to the original 90’s arcade monitor.
One of the biggest arguments we rage about at our workshop is whether to have scan lines (which also emulate the Red, Green and Blue pixellation of an original arcade monitor). Screen curvature can also be simulated like an original CRT arcade monitor. Some of us love the original effects whereas some prefer a cleaner, crisper SF2 experience – with our arcade machines the choice is now yours!
On top of this, you can add a high definition bezel (the graphic which surrounds the screen) particularly handy for our Evo or Nu-Gen models. This adds that extra element of the game’s individuality if this is something that you like.

On a Bespoke Arcades Machine you will be pleased to hear all our machines come with Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition as standard. This is thanks to Hanaho Volume 1 which comes with your arcade machine. The other variants are included via our Retro Cloud ™ software which comes preinstalled on your arcade machine.
Simply connect to your home wi-fi network, launch Retro Cloud and choose which version you would like to play- it downloads it in seconds and you’re playing.
Once the game has launched- the file is deleted, you can change this option however so you can play offline. You can play the entire Street Fighter collection via the arcade section as well as thousands more games across the seminal eras of cartridge based gaming.
Original Street Fighter 2 JAMMA Board Replica Arcade Machine
At Bespoke Arcades we are proud hoarders of all things JAMMA and have amassed an impressive collection. We manufacture replicas using the original arcade board- all serviced and tip-top and can have a brand new identical facsimile of your favourite arcade using up to date modern parts. Street Fighter 2 primarily came in a kit form, so there is no definitive Street Fighter 2 arcade machine there (unlike Pac-Man and Donkey Kong for example). We can even add scan lines on a current display with the original JAMMA board for that close as possible gameplay using 21st century parts (except the JAMMA board of course.
Contact us for a stock list and we can make your arcade collection look brand spanking new!